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Where did the money go?

Updated: Sep 18, 2021

When Rashard's kid's mother died, he got custody of his kids (custody that he originally didn't want). He received $629 a month for each of them through social security. That's $1258 a month combined, plus disability payments.

$7,548 a year for each kid. $15,096 a year for both (plus the disability payment).

But when we got back in touch with the kids, we hear they are sleeping on the floor and eating Ramen noodle all the time. $1258 a month should get them better than Ramen noodle and sleeping on the floor.

Where did the money go?

But Rashard managed to keep a system/speakers in his car and fancy rims. He was buying music equipment for his rap career. Is that where Mr. MAN OF GOD spent the money? On himself? Oh, he told his new wife (Nikki) that she didn't have to work anymore and had her quit her job. Rashard himself told me that (well months before he told our mother that Nikki was fired from her job and then he told me she quit her job. Hard to know the real truth with all his lies). Was he supporting his new wife with help from the kid's money?

Where did the money go?

Rashard's daughter was wearing shoes that were too tight on her feet, but Rashard seems to have managed to keep some new Jordan's on his. Is this where the kid's money went? He's buying his kids thrift store clothes, but buying himself new Jordans. SMH.

Where did the money go?

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