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Victim Mentality

Rashard has a victim mentality. That's what happens when you surround yourself with a yes person who agrees to everything you say and do and doesn't challenge you to be a better man. Steel sharpens steel and you don't get sharper with a yes person nodding their head in agreement to every ill conceived thought that pops into your head.

On New Year's Eve, when the clock struck midnight and the vast majority of people are celebrating the new year, Rashard was up sending drama texts to his family complaining about people ruining his relationship with his daughter when he has made NO effort to reach out to her in over 2 years. He could have spent that time texting or emailing his daughter to repair their relationship, but he rather blame his failures as a father on other people. He blames all his failures on other people and makes up lies about them because he is mentally unwell.

How miserable do you have to be to spend New Years sending out nasty text messages when other people are having a good time? I feel sorry for him.

Rashard, a so called man of God and a self professed prophet, took time to wish ill on other people in the same text. The yes person he's with should have asked him what's godly about wishing ill on other people? Until he gets help, he can keep on being toxic. Everybody else is out having a great life. We not up at midnight wishing bad thoughts on people. Psychos do that.

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